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We invite you to join us in the vital conversation about Whole Food Plant Based nutrition. 

Are YOU a key part of this conversation?

✔️YES! if you are conscious of the potential for food to influence your health

✔️YES! if you care about the health of the natural world

✔️YES! if you are vegan and want to ensure that your compassionate choice is sustainable long-term

✔️YES! if you are a health professional seeking accessible plant-based resources for yourself and your patients

✔️YES! if you wish to support a family member who has chosen to be plant-based or vegan

Click on the links below to go directly to each listed resource or feature: 

- In Your Own Kitchen

- Videos, Articles and Blog Posts

- Plant Based Health Resources

- Whole Food Plant Based Curriculum

- Recipes and Ideas

- The Whole Conversation Closed Facebook Group

- Your Story

- Change Makers

- Testimonials

- Media

Information about the Henry & Henry Lifestyle Coaching programs is here

If you would like to be kept informed about what else we have to offer, you can subscribe right here and we will send you our newsletter. Or you may be interested in signing up for free Henry & Henry Membership which in addition to the newsletter, will give you access to a range of resources. We would love you to join us.

~ Annette & Graham 



These are some of our go-to resources for diet and health-related information:

The Conversation: Text


This is available to members only.

Find the style that suits your learning style best. Part 1 of our Curriculum is available in two very distinct formats:

- interactive multi-media class

- downloadable PDF guide

Please note that while there is certainly a degree of cross-over between the two formats, the content is by no means identical. 


The Conversation: Text


This is a closed Facebook page for members of our website and subscribers of our newsletter. It aims to provide a safe and supportive environment for a stimulating exchange of ideas, tips, discussion, questions and answers and general inspiration to keep you motivated in your quest to maintain or increase the plants in your diet and to adopt or maintain healthy breathing patterns. 

This may also be a good way of getting to know us better especially if you are considering taking one of the Henry & Henry Lifestyle Coaching programs

By joining as a Member or by subscribing to this website, you will be invited to request admission to the group.


The Conversation: Text


Your Story might change somebody's life.

Tell Us Your Story

Find out How To Tell Your Story via Henry & Henry

Go to the Library to watch or read others' Stories

The Conversation: Text

We believe that humankind has come to a crossroads, and that if things are allowed to continue on their current trajectory, we will have passed the point where we can prevent all life on our planet from succumbing to the damage we are creating and the ravages of climate change. Many of us simply cower away from this realisation and feel helpless. It’s at times like this that we witness individual acts of heroism, where an extraordinary person or group of people have the courage to stand up for their convictions in the belief that change is possible, and that by so doing, they are contributing to the creation of a better and more compassionate world for everyone and everything, even when the prevailing current is against them.

Change Makers provides a platform to those we consider to be making a difference. 

The recordings of our Change Makers events can be accessed here

Get in Touch
The Conversation: Services


Testimonials are always gladly received

The Conversation: Text


Features in third party media about, or featuring Henry and Henry:

The Conversation: Text

Thanks for submitting!

The Conversation: Subscribe
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