Welcome to the 'Lighthouse'...a place for Premium Members to connect with a small number of other members via video call to discuss and share ideas, insights, solutions and positive experiences living on a plant based diet. It is intended to be suitable for anyone, at whatever stage they may be on their plant based journey, from the newbie who may still be considering making the leap to this way of eating to those who have been following this lifestyle long-term. Our aim and hope is that participants will leave the space feeling extra motivated and inspired by what they have learned and heard and that they will have made some new friends.
Members will receive updates including dates and themes for discussion so you will be able to book on any of the calls that appeal to you. Once your booking is confirmed, we'll send you a link to enable you to join the meeting.
Your reasons for choosing a plant based or plant strong diet
Your plant based health story
Getting out of the pleasure trap
Getting family members on-board with plant based eating
Getting the plant based approach on the agenda at school, work and at social events
Positive responses to criticism of your way of eating
Dates and times for each of the above will be published below, along with more complete information about the next event.
How it Works
There’s more than one way to feel inspired. Gaining new ideas is an obvious starting point, but equally, it can be immensely inspiring to witness your ideas and suggestions making a difference to someone else. This is why we’re keen to welcome anyone to the Lighthouse whether they’re offering ideas and solutions to challenges or they’re on the receiving end of those suggestions. Or both!
We are keeping these groups small, ideally no more than 4 participants at one time. By keeping the groups small, everyone will have a chance to introduce themselves and tell us a little bit about why they’re there. The theme of each session will be introduced by us and we’ll start the conversation by asking if anyone has a particular challenge they’d like to find a solution for. The purpose of these sessions is always to be as supportive as possible so kindness is paramount. We want participants to leave feeling inspired to do something they weren't doing before, or to see something with new eyes, and maybe even make new friends along the way.
The calls, which are currently free to join for our signed-up members, will run for approximately one hour.
Please see our Membership page if you’re interested in taking part and you're not yet a member.