No matter what your needs are, you can count on Henry & Henry for the support you deserve. We see each customer as unique, which is why all of our services can be completely personalized to fit specific needs and preferences. Browse through our comprehensive range of services below to learn more about what we can do for you.
What are the benefits of Premium Membership?
You can book a full year's membership by choosing the Premium Annual Plan, or you can opt to take advantage of the same content in half the time by opting for Premium 6.
You will, of course have full and unlimited access to the resources available to our complimentary members, such as our Curriculum (please see the Complimentary Membership page for other resources). You can also book on a breathing re-education program for no charge if your're accompanied by a friend / colleague / family member who pays the full price. Clearly, bringing another person along isn't always possible so we want to make a discount available to Premium Members who attend alone. That discount will be 25%, irrespective of the listed price.But Premium Membership goes much further:
You will have full and free access to our Be Your Own Plant-Based Expert Series of 10 classes and presentations. These classes are made available to anyone, including non-members who wish to purchase tickets. You simply need to book your free place by going to our Events Page.
If this option is unsuitable, either because the timings of the classes don't work for you or because you would like something that's more directly relevant to you, then you can opt to book any classes of your choice as one-to-one classes which we can tailor to fit you more closely.
In addition to the option to attend the 10 classes in whichever way you choose, as an annual Premium Member you will also have the option to book 4 one-to-ones with us, ideally one per quarter, to expand on any of the content of the classes or to address something that is not covered in the series. This can include an additional breathing re-education session(s) for any member who has completed either a Buteyko or Oxygen Advantage program with us. As a Premium 6 Member you have 2 of these one-to-ones. Please see below for the kinds of questions we often address. We call these sessions Live Chats With Henry & Henry.
Of course “one-to-one” is not literal, for a start, you will get the two of us to help with your questions. Additionally, you may wish to include another member of your family in one or more of your conversations with us and if they want to join you then we are fully supportive of them doing so. Over the course of the last few years, we’ve been asked, and have answered, a wide range of plant based diet-related questions, often for friends and acquaintances who have become aware of the health transformations in our lives as well as the passion we have for the health-supporting food that we eat. What better way to extend this by offering not just our experiences but also our education-based knowledge to those who are:
Thinking of including more plants in their diet
Wanting / needing to make changes to their diet such as removing dairy
Wanting to transition to a fully plant-based diet
Wishing to align their ethical veganism with a diet that best supports human health
Looking for answers to questions for others eg family members, patients
To get an idea of the types of questions / requests we anticipate, please see the section below:

I want to eat more plants, but I’m worried about protein / calcium / iron / zinc / omega fats (or any other nutrient).

I’m having cravings / feel stuck and I don’t know how to move on.
I keep reading about high protein / high fat diets. Why do you not support this approach?

Should I take additional supplements on a whole food plant based diet? If so, which are recommended for this way of eating? Why are they necessary?

I need / want to cut out dairy but I’m worried about my bones. What do I need to know? How can I replace dairy in my diet?

I want to eat more fruits and vegetables but don’t know how to prepare them / I don’t like many vegetables
Isn’t a plant based diet more expensive? How can I make it more affordable?

I keep hearing that “sugar is sugar”, so why do you recommend fruit? Will I risk getting diabetes if I eat fruit?

I’ve tried a vegan diet before and it didn’t work. Is it worth trying again? What can I do differently?

I can’t maintain my weight on a plant based diet, so how can I make it work for me?
A whole food plant based diet sounds boring to me. Can you persuade me that it gets interesting?

Do you advocate one specific version of a whole food plant based diet? (Answer, No) Will any version work? Eg high raw / predominantly cooked?

How can I manage when I’m out?

I / my daughter / sister / friend have/has endometriosis. How can a plant based diet support recovery?
I’m overweight and I’ve tried almost everything. Why would a whole food plant based diet make a difference?

I’m worried about being hungry all the time. How can I feel full on a whole food plant based diet?

I don’t have time to create elaborate meals 3 times a day. Can you offer any suggestions for quick, healthy options?

I need to avoid gluten. How can I manage on a whole food plant based diet without grains?
I don’t want to put weight on and I’m worried that eating lots of carbs will make me fat. How did you manage this?

Is there anything that we’ve missed from the list above? What would be useful to YOU?

In addition to all of the above, there is also the opportunity to use one or more of your meet-ups with us in a more hands-on way by requesting an In Your Own Kitchen session where we give you live instructions for making a simple recipe. We know, for example, that many people feel a little bit challenged at the prospect of eliminating salt, oil and sugar from their recipes and appreciate a little bit of guidance in using wholefoods in their place. For an idea of how we do this, there's a short YouTube demonstration here.
How will this work?
Simply book a day and time with us for a video call by sending us an email at to request our calendar. You do not need to tell us what your question(s) will be, but if you do so, we will discuss and, if appropriate, research answers for you. If you choose In Your Own Kitchen for your slot, you will need to tell us what you would like help with so that we can tell you the ingredients you will need in advance.
What does Premium Membership cost?
There are two options for Premium membership:
Premium Annual Membership €99.99
Premium 6 Membership €59.99