Recommended Reading
We often have cause to refer to some of the books that have been so pivotal for us. The following are some of the breathing-related books that have inspired us and continue to be an excellent resource.
The Breathing Cure by Patrick McKeown
This book by our trainer, Patrick McKeown, is without doubt the most comprehensive book available of its kind. It was the publishers, rather than the modest author, who insisted on the title of this book and in our opinion, they were justified in their insistence.
Verfügbar auch auf Deutsch unter dem Titel Atme und Heile Dich Selbst.
Breath by James Nestor
Breath is the book that alerted us to breathing, and particularly that we needed to attend to our own breathing. Don't be fooled by the simplicity of the title, James Nestor is a scientific journalist who has done more with this book for raising the profile of breathing than anyone else. This is a page turner, it's that interesting.
Oxygen Advantage by Patrick McKeown
Patrick started with Buteyko breathing after experiencing surprising success with the asthma that had plagued his childhood and early adult years. Oxygen Advantage, and this book of the same name, came as a response to not only dealing with health conditions, but also for maximising performance in sport, in the workplace, education and in fact any situation where better focus and resilience can make a difference.
Die Buteyko Methode von Ralph Skuban
Klar und deutlich geschrieben dieses Buch zeigt uns wie wir unsere Gesundheit und Leistungksfähigkeit verbessern können durch bessere Atmung.
Breathing for Yoga by Patrick Mckeown & Anastasis Tzanis
The world of yoga has emphasised breathing since its inception. Which community then, is better placed to reinforce it by enabling and encouraging instructors and practictioners to extend breathing practices into daily life? This is Patrick's most recent book and, as with all of his work, it is thoroughly grounded in scientific research but without losing sight of what many yogis insitinctively knew for centuries.
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