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New Series of Classes for 2023

Be Your Own Plant-Based Expert is a series of classes and presentations for anyone to attend, but most especially our Premium Members.


The classes are available publicly from January and can be booked via the Events page. For Annual Premium Members these classes can be made available as one-to-one classes at a mutually convenient time starting straightaway. These sessions can then be tailored to your requirements if you would like a more personal approach. We are happy for you to be accompanied by a family member for any of these classes if appropriate for all concerned. You can attend any or all of the 10 classes in whichever order best suits you simply by contacting us to arrange a date and time.

Whether you attend the public classes or arrange your own sessions with us, your Annual Premium Membership will cover the cost.


See below for the list of classes.

How a Plant-Based Diet Can Heal

It was nothing short of a miracle to Annette when a change of diet meant the growing likelihood of further surgery for endometriosis could be completely avoided. And Graham was initially incredulous that the 'lifelong' blood pressure medication he was taking every day could be discontinued when he underwent a dietary transition. Why would a similar diet impact so favourably on such diverse conditions? After all, a medical approach is very different for each one.

In all honesty, the synergy and complexity of a health-promoting diet still defies full understanding, but enough is known now to see how a wholefood plant-based diet in particular might resolve a range of health issues. This is what we will convey in this presentation because understanding why can be very motivating for anyone willing to make some tweaks and perhaps even major changes to their way of eating.


Losing Weight Without Trying Too Hard 

For decades now the Weight Loss industry has gathered momentum and sold us countless tips, tricks and, not least, diets. But are we losing the weight? We know, of course that the opposite is the case, not surprisingly if we consider the imperative of most businesses to create repeat customers. The two goals, ie permanent Weight Loss for the customer and a sustainable business are quite simply not mutually supportive. 

What if we can tap into the micro successes that combine to create long-term healthy weight loss? In all honesty, some of Graham's weight loss was somewhat accidental but looking back and combining the knowledge of his experience with our plant-based education has enabled us to put a spotlight on what worked so well for him and crucially, why.

This class is ultimately about healthy weight management and as such it is relevant to anyone wishing to better manage their weight, not only those who wish to shed some pounds.


The Protein Story 

What is the story of this macronutrient? Why does so much of the information about it continue to be out-of-date? What are the reliable sources of information about Protein? Is protein deficiency a real concern?

The story of protein is an interesting one and shines a light on how our understanding has developed. We aim to answer all the above questions in our presentation and in doing so, we hope to reassure anyone who is uncertain about covering protein requirements on a plant-based diet.


Fat Facts

Which of the dietary fats are really essential? Should some be avoided altogether? Is there an optimum quantity of dietary fat that we should all be aiming for? Can you have too much or too little? What about omega 3 fats? Much of the information about omega 3 over the course of the past few decades has focused almost exclusively on fish as the source of this essential fatty acid. Is this true? What do vegans do? Is supplementation the only viable option for those of us who eat a plant-based diet?

The consistent messaging around omega 3 meant that fish was the last animal food that the two of us gave up. What we have since learnt means that we now know we don't need fish to cover our needs and we have a much clearer notion of which fats are supportive to our health, and in which form, and which are best avoided.


The Carbohydrate Question 

Whilst protein is experiencing its moment in the limelight, another macronutrient is being portrayed much less favourably. "Carbs" are bad for us according to current messaging, but what exactly are carbohydrates and are they bad for us? Is it that simple?

We're taking this opportunity to dispel the myths surrounding this nutrient; it is, after all, the preferred fuel for the brain. Are all carbohydrates created equal? How do we know the difference? We hope you will join us to take a closer look at the micronutrient that has become controversial.


The Gluten Dilemma

We're including a presentation about the almost controversial issue of gluten because 

  1. Gluten related issues need to be addressed and its not at all unusual for someone who has already made changes to their diet for health reasons to find that they may fare better without gluten, or even without true grains 

  2. Sometimes it's not the gluten. Other factors must be considered 

  3. What are the nutritional considerations of avoiding gluten containing foods?

We have no agenda with respect to gluten: one of us avoids it and the other doesn't need to so we don't promote either avoidance or inclusion in the diet. We do promote information which can help with deciding what course of action to take (if any) and how to eat good food when gluten or grains are not to be included.


Exploring Raw - A Healing Diet?

It's striking that many of the specialists and others in the world of holistic health promote raw natural foods as part of their suggested protocol for healing. Why might this be? Is 'raw' a miracle cure, or is there more to it than that? What are the advantages of a raw or high raw diet? What does this mean for cooked foods?

We're excited about this discussion because it's been of personal interest to us for almost a decade now, with multiple changes, adaptations and tweaks to the way we eat as we figure out which approach works best. But is it one size fits all? And do the changing seasons imply dietary changes or should we be consistent throughout the year?



Sprouts are some of the most nutritious and cost-effective foods on the planet and can be grown in your own kitchen with no need for soil. In this workshop you will learn about the health benefits of these little gems and about how to grow them into seed, grain and bean sprouts using three different methods. The workshop is suitable for anyone who has never tried sprouting before as well as for those who might feel motivated to dust off their jars and bring sprouting back into their kitchen!


SOS Free Sauces and Dressings 

One of the most challenging aspects of transitioning to a wholefood plant-based diet is figuring out how to dispense with oil, salt and sugar …probably in that order, in dressings and sauces.

For this presentation, we invite you into our kitchen to see how we create some of our favourites. How do we incorporate fat without using oil? How do we add saltiness and sweetness without using granulated salt and sugar? Does adherence to wholefoods rule out any processed foods? How do we decide which are good to include? 

We hope to inspire a new way of creating meals and we look forward to your questions!


Start Meditating 

We know from our own experience that one of the greatest challenges we face when we try to change our dietary habits (as well as other habits) is overcoming the habitual responses / reflexes and cravings that keep us stuck. We know too, that stress has a major influence on our health, including digestive health so calming the gut-brain axis is highly relevant in our quest for good health. Awareness is perhaps the biggest factor in addressing all of this; without awareness change will not happen and damaging patterns of behaviour will persist.


This is why we're keen to include an introduction to meditation here. This class is particularly for those who are curious, unsure or even nervous at the prospect of meditating as well as those who have a healthy scepticism when confronted with the many claims of positive results. 


We will include information and some easy to practice steps to train awareness and encourage the relaxation response. There will be no requirement to lie down, sit cross-legged or chant. We intend to make this experience as accessible as possible. This class is delivered primarily by Annette who is an accredited Calm Coach.

Do contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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